Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What You Must Know About Bulk SMS

Maybe you are not yet conversant with the term bulk SMS. This article will open your eyes to what it is and how it can make your life easier! There are times when you will run into a scenario which will make you to be in need of sending the same exact message to more than one person at a time. Trying to navigate through this scenario with the normal method of sending texts can be quite annoying.

I use a Nokia C7 smartphone but in all its sophistication, trying to send a single message to over 100 persons for example is a task I won't even think of, even if I'm bored. Not only is it stressful, you will also have to deal with character count restrictions, otherwise you will be sending 2 pages of text which equals to more money spent!

Thank God for technological advancements, we don't have to go through all this again. Bulk SMS refers to a scenario where you simply type out a particular message and send it out to any number of persons at once without any limitations. Nice right? However, you won't be using your phone for this. To send bulk SMS, you have to go online and locate a particular type of service provider called SMS gateway provider.

These people would provide you with the needed platform for sending the said bulk SMS. All you need to do is to register with them and start sending your messages. The good thing with sending bulk SMS is that you will be able to easily send out a particular message to as many persons as you want (even up to 1 million persons!). This saves you a lot of valuable time. Try sending a single message to let's say, 200 persons from your phone. Good luck with that!! Also, with these bulk SMS providers, you can also be sure to save a ton of money on messaging costs.

The normal rate for sending texts in our country today is very expensive. However, with these SMS gateway providers, you will be able to send your messages at a flat rate of as low as 0.006$ directly from your computer. In some cases, it could even be lower! So when next you are in need of sending messages out to so many persons at a time. Just locate a good SMS provider and save yourself the time and money.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Online Business - 7 Reasons Why You Should Use an Autoresponder

Have you ever come into a website and it requires you to write down an email address and also your name. If you are doing internet business or a blog shop, it is important to the max that you use an Autoresponder.

Targeted Leads

Firstly, it gives you targeted leads, which mean leads that are interested in your niche and whatever related niche affiliate links you send to them, they might be interested in it and eventually purchase what you sell to them. You can make them revisit your website so that they can make another purchase if there are alternatives products that you sell, if not, sharing an affiliate link is the best method because other people website sales page would be high in their quality.

Follow Up Automatically, Sending Emails to all

Secondly, when you use an Autoresponder service, whoever opt-in to your form can receive your reply or the things that you promised to them instantly, without you doing it at all. If you have 10000 leads, it will be a pain in the buttocks if you are to send it all manually. It allows you to send email to all your leads in just one click and it saves you lots of time.

Everyone Read Emails

Thirdly, almost everyone check their email. If you are to share your link on social media, you have to do it manually, which mean, you have to do it, one by one, however, after several times you would discover that they can even recognize you as spam and would prevent you for doing any further actions like sharing your website to your friends via Social Media like Facebook.

It makes sure your emails get delivered

Fourthly, you can be sure that your email gets delivered even when you are on a holiday and you can check it with any Autoresponder service yourself, most of them provide data where you can see whether your email gets delivered or not.


Fifthly, it is darn affordable. For "Aweber", for your first month, you are only to pay US$1, and the rest of the month US$19 and you pay more when your list increases, according to the range of price that they provide. I feel that for the first month, it is best to rush to get as many leads as possible.


Sixthly, it is for protection. Its consider safe, not like the spam that you'd ever received before. People could easily unsubscribe it. We do not need to worry about people unsubscribe it because it is a part of being professional in internet marketing. If you give good follow-up content for your leads, I believe there will be less chance people will unsubscribe from it. In fact, all successful and elite internet marketers had ever experienced their leads unsubscribing from their list before, it is part of the process.

Easiest way to make money online

Lastly, your list is the easiest way to make you money online. It is your pot of gold; in fact, you will discover that you will make even more money than you ever before each time you focus on increasing your list.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Why You Need To Use An Autoresponder

An autoresponder, along with web hosting, is a fundamental internet marketing tool, that no one doing business online should be without. For, it enables you to contact visitors to your website who have given their email address to you, over and over for as long as they are on your email list.

You need to engage them immediately upon their opting in to your list, by giving them valuable content so that they will continue opening and reading your emails. This is building a relationship with them, which is absolutely crucial, if you want to be able to sell them products and services. People buy from those they like, know and trust, so if they don't like you, don't trust your recommendations, and don't feel like they know you, your sales will be disappointing.

The autoresponder service I recommend is called, AWeber. There are many to choose from, though this is the one I personally use. They offer a $1 trial to give you the chance to try their service for a month before to commit yourself to the monthly subscription. If you are serious about your online business, you should sign up today.

Here is how an autoresponder works and what it can do for you.

An opt in for is created for you and you place it on a landing page or a blog, which allows you to capture the email address, and name if you wish, when they sign up to your email list. There are a vast selection of opt in form templates that you can select to find the one you like best. And they are very much plug and play easy.

You can segment groups on your list, which I highly recommend you doing. Segmenting is a powerful way to increase email profits. You can segment buyer from non buyers, or those who click links in your emails as opposed to those who don't, or select a particular geographical area.

Emails can be scheduled to go out at a preset time after the person opts in, so you could have a series of emails automatically going out, or just send a broadcast out to your entire list or a portion of it, anytime you want.

I hope you are beginning to see the power and potential of using an autoresponder service, and you can see it is vital to use in your own online business. It will work for you day and night on autopilot.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

AWeber: How Will It Benefit You?

How does AWeber work for my business?

This is a valid question and one worthy of some thought. You spent some time (maybe a lot of time), deciding on whether or not an online business was for you. You decide to go for it, and select your business model.

You've created your site or blog on your chosen product or service and are getting visitors to your site. Great job so far, now not everyone who visits your site first time will buy your product or service, this is a known fact throughout the online marketing world.

So what can you do to increase your chances of making a sale to these long gone visitors? The answer is quite obvious in a non obvious way, backend sales...

Now in order to create backend sales, you will need to capture your website or blogs visitors name and email address. AWeber's auto responder is the ideal tool for the job.

With customizable opt in boxes from hundreds of templates available, colours, styles and even shapes. You can create different styles whether your site is business based or hobby based or whatever niche you've chosen to go for, there an option for everyone, and if you can find one, is simple to create one.

Use AWeber's tracking statistics to see how many people on your list actually opened it up, followed any links inside of it etc. This makes planning your marketing strategy much easier as you can access full reports on your mailing list with the click of a button.

AWeber's support service is second to none, whether you chose to email them for a quick response, or even quicker use the live online chat service to chat directly to their techies.

The 24/7 support blog is also great for gathering useful information or hear about and get advice on upcoming tools or services which you will also be entitled to.

As I personally used their $1 full access month's trial to try the complete service for 30 days with no obligations. Full refunds are also available, but from what I can gather this hasn't been used very much.

They are a low cost marketing solution for backend sales, keeping your customers or potentials customers up to date on your current or new products or services. I use this option myself and I do see results I have to say.

Also I send out my newsletter, just to keep in touch (and in the minds) of my site visitors and customers.

There are a lot of other services included, to view some of them feel free to check out the link below (where you can also take advantage of the $1 trial). Hope this helps and happy marketing...

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

List Building: Announcing 3 Reasons That You Must Start Building A List In Your Niche Immediately

Setting up an automated e-mail campaign is critical to your success. When you have a blog or website "live and online", your focus should be to do everything that you can, to drive targeted traffic to your site. Let's say that you spend two hours per day on Facebook or Twitter, driving traffic to your site. You should be able to conservatively get around 200 people to visit your site, from two hours of work. If you don't have a way to get those 200 people on a list from your blog or site, you will have to invest another two hours just to get them to return to your site. That would be pointless wouldn't it?

1) Building A List Will Allow You To "Print Cash On Demand"

Let's say you spend an entire month telling the world about your blog, through Facebook, twitter and YouTube etc. Once you have, let's say 1000 subscribers, which is a very conservative number, you could very easily send out a friendly e-mail recommending a product or service that they should consider purchasing.

Out of 1000 people, let's say 25 people took action and purchased a product that you are promoting. If you were making $40 recurring per sale, that would increase your income by $12,000 per year, wouldn't it?

2) Your List Will Allow You To Build A Personal Relationship With The Traffic That Lands On Your Blog Or Site

When you send a private e-mail to someone, it is much more personal and meaningful in comparison to posting a public message on your blog. Communicating with your subscriber list is essential because it will allow you to build a personal relationship with them. When you establish a relationship with your subscribers, they will be much more likely to take your advice when you recommend products and services down the road. In other words, the more that people know, like and trust you, the higher your conversions will be.

3) It's Easy When You Use The Best, Most Reliable And Affordable List Building Software

The most reliable, affordable and recommend software is called Aweber. There are so many different options when it comes to list building software applications and it is easy to invest in the wrong one! This will be the second most important investment you will ever make, when it comes to your online business, so make sure that you start with the right software! Your primary objective is to build a personal relationship with your subscribers. You should use your discretion when sending out emails. Try NOT to recommend products with every email that you send out because this is the best way to annoy your prospects, which will lead to them cancellation their subscription to you list.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Harness The Powers Of A Quality Autoresponder - Automation Is The Keyword In Your Business

Using an autoresponder for your internet marketing business is something you cannot do without. When first starting out, you can have a look at some of the free autoresponders which are available, however they offer limited services, such as a limited number of subscribers you can have.

Some free autoresponders will allow you to use their services, but every time you send a message to your subscribers, they will place a small advertisement in the message - something that you do not want to do, since you are trying to promote yourself, and your products, not someone else's.

Any successful marketer will tell you that the most important tool they use is their autoresponder, since they help to keep in contact with current customers, but also to develop a relationship with potential customers. At a pre-defined time frame period, you can use your autoresponder to deliver sales messages to your customer list, to send reminders, to send email courses, invoices and many other features.

However, one of the things that you must avoid doing with your autoresponder, is to add people to your list manually. Customers must be added through an opt-in form, which they will find on a web page which is promoting one of your products or services. After a customer has opted in, they must be sent a confirmation email, to confirm that they have requested to give you their name and email address, in exchange for the information or product you are offering.

The messages you send must also have an option, usually placed at the end of the message, so that your customers can unsubscribe at any time if they wish too, and stop receiving future messages from you. It is also a good idea to add your name, address and your email address, when sending out messages with your autoresponder. Have in mind that if you do not use your autoresponder correctly, you might be accused of spamming, which will result in severe consequences for your online business.

As a business owner you need to take control of many issues, and one of these issues is to track how well your advertising campaigns are doing. This service is called response tracking and is available with all good autoresponders, which have a step by step guide on how to use this service. This service will make your autoresponder marketing much more effective and profitable.

One way to improve your messages that you send, which in turn will improve your response rate, is by personalizing them. All high quality autoresponders will have ready made personalized codes, which you can write in your messages, allowing you to use the current date, and addressing your customer with their name. By using this you will give the impression to your customer that you created your message that same day, and it was written especially for that customer, giving that extra personal touch.

Another great use of an autoresponder, is once you have a considerable amount of customers on your list, you can send out messages which create interest and excitement about a product you are planning on launching at a future date. If for example you are planning on creating and promoting an eBook, by informing your customers about how the information in your eBook will solve their problems, and by giving them the release date, you create anxiety.

One of the reasons why your autoresponder messages do not have a great response rate, is the fact that your customers might not be receiving them in the first place. You can avoid this by explaining to your customers how to "white list" you in your confirmation email, once a customer signs up to your opt-in form.

Another method that I personally use is to first send my autoresponder message to myself first. This way I will see whether the message has arrived in my inbox, or spam folder, I can see how the format of the message is, and if the message is delivered at the specific time I intended it to be delivered.

People love to have access to things that others can't get too, because it makes them feel special. Giving them access for instance, to a secret page which is password protected on your website, by using your autoresponder to send them their login details is an excellent technique to make your customers feel unique.

If your website is a paid membership site, another way is to give your list a free trial period so they can visit your site and view the content. This not only promotes your website, but also gives your customers a special bonus that they will appreciate.

Make the most of your favourite autoresponder and enjoy the benefits from it by building and nurturing a relationship between you and your customer list. Don't forget - the money is in the list!!!

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Top 3 Ways To Use Your Autoresponder To Make Your Internet Marketing Business More Successful

In this article, you will learn the top three ways to use your autoresponder to your advantage in your Internet marketing business. If you did not know your autoresponder is your most powerful tool in online marketing. The reason that it is so powerful is because you are able to build a targeted group of people who are all focused on solving or achieving the same thing.

You will not be able to collect e-mails and market to the people without having an autoresponder. I wanted to set the tone and let you know how important having an autoresponder is before I give you the top three ways on how to use your autoresponder to your best advantage.

Method number one: Using follow-ups is common knowledge for people who have a autoresponder. What you should actually use your follow-ups for is to give your subscribers a huge amount of value. You probably hear this term, give value, everywhere you go on the Internet.

Let me give you a way of understanding what it truly means so you do not have this confusion any longer. Instead of giving out some quick little e-book that you put together take the time to create an e-book that is the caliber of a paid product. Meaning, create a e-book that you would actually sell to somebody. When it is of high value your subscribers will appreciate it a lot more than a quick put together e-book.

Method number two: When you have something important to say use your broadcast message inside of your autoresponder. Anytime when there is a holiday send out happy holidays and a nice message with no marketing. If something big in your life happens send it out to your broadcast. Let the people know that you are a real person and not just some marketer that wants their money. Send out broadcast messages with no marketing at all to get the people used to seeing you as a real person. The more you seem as a real person the more likely you will build trust with your subscribers.

Method number three: I was completely unaware of method number three up until recently. Use webinars as a master marketer method. This by far is one of the most powerful ways of interacting with your subscribers in gaining the trust in lightning fast time. People like to be able to interact with you and they also like social proof. Using webinars positions you as a leader and also will help the subscribers know that you truly care about them and are willing to go out of your way to do the webinar.

These three methods have been revolutionary in helping me build my business and I wanted to pass them on to you for free. Giving away value in your business will help you gain the trust and build the ongoing long-term business.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Autoresponders - How To Do It Right

When something is easy to use and can accomplish something for you quickly, you can over-use and possibly abuse it, and that goes for Constant Contact, which is a very easy to use and versatile autoresponder, but consider everything you use it for very carefully.

When someone signs up for your newsletter, you never know when it's going to be, so choosing to have Santa Claus ringing a bell in the background may be great for one week of the year, otherwise it will give the impression that you haven't a clue what you're doing, so use the K.I.S.S. principle. If you do want to send a Christmas message leave yourself a big note to change it back to a generic template the day after Christmas. Also bear in mind that not everyone on your list is a Christian and celebrates the Holidays, so it's best not to go there at all.

If you send out a monthly newsletter it's always a good idea to include the month, but with autoresponders, again, you don't know when someone will sign up, so do not date your autoresponder emails.

Something I personally hate are too many autoresponder messages, the company that hosts my websites is guilty of this. When I submit a ticket if something is wrong, I get so many autoresponders telling me they've got my ticket, another one saying how long it will be to resolve the ticket, another saying someone is working on my problem, and then they want feedback after it is resolved, it drives me nuts, even though they are a great company. I waste precious time reading them all, and for what? Basically they are saying my problem is not yet fixed and I know that! Just tell me when it is, please.

Don't ever send out autoresponders without double and triple checking everything first. If you have a number of different lists, for Pete's sake make sure the right newsletter/email/whatever is going to the correct recipients or you may find yourself in a mess if you don't.

Be sure to proofread everything twice if necessary. I can't tell you how many autoresponder messages I get every week that have some serious typos in them. To me they look unprofessional and rushed - this person just can't wait to make a few bucks out of me!

If you can give people choices, do. Some folks still don't have high-speed internet, nor own sophisticated computers, so they may just want text only emails - any graphics may take too long to load. If you send a monthly newsletter and regular emails, have separate opt in boxes for each, that way you won't be bombarding people with stuff they don't want.

The regularity of your emails will depend on your particular subject or niche. If it's a news niche, then a daily email recapping the day's news would be acceptable. If it's a knitting niche, probably once every week on a regular day will suffice. You have to strike a balance between annoying people and having them forget who you are.

Keep an eye on your unsubscribes, although you are always going to get some, if you get a massive unsubscribe after doing something radically new or different, then you'll know not to do it again.

Autoresponders are wonderful time-savers, but have you ever sent something out that you regretted? Please tell us about it and save someone else from that experience.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

AWeber Review: Why Would You Need an Autoresponder?

AWeber Review: Do you really need an autoresponder?

Main reasons for having an autoresponder are:

Your business is not taking advantage of your customers or potential customers contact details, because of this you are leaving potential revenue on the table and not where it belongs, in your business.

You can setup your autoresponder to send out useful and good quality content emails, therefore increasing your customer's loyalty, and backend sales.

Regardless of whether you're running your very own small online based business, in order to generate some extra income, or your business is large and generating a larger income for you, an autoresponder using your list can be considered a gold mine, if used properly and within spam regulations.

You will find a lot of websites out there concentrating too much on making sales from initial visits to their site, and completely overlooking the power of building a subscriber list and making a lot more from backend sales.

And you must remember that once you set up your autoresponder once, that's it, you have set it up for life (unless you decide to edit or update it).

An autoresponder, such as AWeber, is an invaluable tool for anyone wishing to really become successful online and generate that long term sustainable income that so many people dream about and only the select few actually do.

Combined with good SEO techniques & research, you can quickly and easily start building an email list of your very own.

AWeber advantages:

AWeber have one of the lowest fees out there, and are considered by many internet marketers as a reliable service that gets the job done. Remember especially if you're only starting out that getting value for money for any service you require is a must, and can be the difference between, being successful online or becoming another failed statistic.

AWeber offer a tracking and analytics tool which is second to none, this will help you to view your statistics through easy to follow reports and graphs, which in turn will really increase your online marketing efforts.

AWeber offers a customer service and support service which you can depend on to answer any question you may have. They also run a support blog which runs 24/7 and is a great source of information on their current tools and any new tools under development.

The $1 month's trial has to be considered a god send for the unsure of us, as you get full access to the complete service and support with nothing to lose. I almost forgot the live online chat support service too, handy if you require it.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Do I Really Need a Mailing List

Let me start by saying that I wish I had done this one simple thing many years ago. My business life probably would have been much better if I had. I can only begin to count the number of people that I have referred to programs only to eventually lose that contact.

Required or Optional

In my own opinion and personal experience it is a Requirement to build YOUR list. If you are sending people to affiliate programs or your MLM program replicated site then you are building a list for someone else and guess what they aren't going to say thank you.

It takes time to set up a capture page and a series of letters when you are first getting started but in the long run the extra effort to do so will be worth it for your bottom line.

Once you've got your list started then what?

Nurture or Sell

You need to do both. The saying goes something like this "People buy from people they know and trust". And "The money is in the list".

Think about these situations. If a stranger walks up to you on the street and says, "you just have to see this movie" - what is going to be your reaction? You've got to be kidding, why would I listen to you, shock, or just get out of my face.

A few days later a friend says to you, "You just have to see this movie" - what is your reaction this time? Tell me more about it, was it really good, is it a thriller, or great I can't wait.

You've got to build some rapport with your reader before they will buy from you but at the same time if you are offering tips on dog grooming for the difficult dog and you have a product that you've used and know that it works then why not share that product with your reader.

Installed Script or Third Party System

I have used both. It takes some technical skill to upload the script so if that is not your thing then a third party system is the way to go. My installed script got my site shut down a few years ago because someone accused me of spam. I used the double opt in method but that wasn't enough.

With third party systems they need to be well established, they should be paid as you will get better delivery and support and they should offer a few tools like split testing, tracking and lead capture. There are many to choose from so you will also need to look at the cost.

Paid vs Free

Free autoresponders will sometimes contain ads from other members and they may not have a good delivery rate so don't waste your time.

Some paid systems will allow you a free version until your list gets to a certain size. But be aware that they may include ads from paid members. You want your readers to see your ads and not get distracted by someone else's ad.

When considering a provider make sure to take the time to read about the options. Often times as your list grows your cost will grow with it. There are autoresponder providers that don't increase the cost.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Real Estate Autoresponders - Ten Ways to Use Them

Autoresponders are the software that sends single autoreplies or automatic email messages in a sequential pattern. No matter which business you are in, you can use autoresponders to improve your business by keeping your prospects and clients in constant contact.

Autoresponders can be used in:

* Real estate business

* Textile industry

* Jewellery business

* Information marketing

* Technology

* Online selling etc

Any business that simply needs to keep in touch with the buyers, needs an autoresponder. You can send newsletters and promotional email to your subscribers.

How can you use autoresponders in real estate business?

1. Send newsletters:

Send information on how to buy a house or a condo. Or tips on selling it to home owners.

2. Ecourse:

Publish a short ecourse on 'FSBO's or renting a house.

3. List segmentation:

You can segment your list into many sublists based on their interests and send real estate listings to them. Ex: Send lists of rent houses to subscribers who are interested in renting a house. Send the property listings to subscribers who are interested in buying a house.

4. Frequently asked questions:

Compile a faq with answers and send them using autoresponders.

5. Tutorials and webinars:

Conduct online or traditional seminars and invite your list to attend the events. You can also promote your company or service in these seminars.

6. Video links:

You can send video links to the virtual tour of the properties. This way you can target the buyers by tracking the email openings and clicks.

7. Surveys:

Real estate autoresponders can be used to send surveys to your subscribers and get information on what they are looking for. This way you can optimize your business and offer the products that your buyers want.

8. Affiliate links:

If you are an affiliate for any other related business, you can send information related to that product and send affiliate links in emails.

9. Announcements:

You can send notification emails to your subscribers about any new product line you are about to offer.

10. Blog posts:

You can send links of your blog posts to your subscribers. Ask them to leave a comment. This way you can keep your web site active with discussions and your subscribers keep coming back to your web site.

Tip: You can set up an subscription form on your web site for your visitors to subscribe. You can use extra form fields to get additional information from your subscribers. Like what they are interested in buying, which part of the town, their price range and type of houses they are looking for.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Top 3 Reasons Why You Need An Autoresponder

An autoresponder is simply the way that you can keep your message in front of people by way of email marketing. That list of people who have indicated to you that they would like to have more information about your product or service. This is the way to ensure you can contact all of these potential customers without having to send individual emails to everyone. It is an automated system that is, usually, web-based and can be accessed with a simple log-in with a user name and password.

Now, what can you do with it? You have seen a capture form on the vast majority of websites you look at. It is a form that asks the visitor to enter his name and email address in exchange for something. This is usually, some special report that can be downloaded that is related to the subject, or niche, that is being discussed on the sales page. The autoresponder takes that information and enters it into a managed list automatically, without the page owner having to do anything.

The autoresponder will:

1. Send the visitor to a download page to get his free report. This page might also have additional information to attempt to get a sale by making a special deal or a one time offer.

2. Insert his name and address into the list. This ensures the inclusion into a system that starts sending your information to him, on a regular schedule you set up, to continue to keep him updated with more information and additional opportunities to make a sale.

3. Will also send him a confirmation email, allowing him to confirm that he would like to receive your emails. That is why the first item is important. He can opt out which means he can cancel his permission at this time and you have probably lost him for good.

How does all of this work and what do I have to do?

Since people surf the 'net to get, primarily, information, you need to help them as much as possible. People do not like to be sold, however, many of them do like to buy. They just need to have the information they need to make that decision. The autoresponder is your tool for this.

There are a number of autroresponder companies on the Internet. The vast majority of them are not expensive, some of them are actually free. You log on, set up an account and begin to create what are called campaigns. A campaign is a series of emails, sent out on a schedule, usually every two to three days. Each campaign is set up for each product or service you are promoting.

The most popular autoresponder companies allow for an unlimited number of campaigns.

When your visitor enters his information in your capture form, it is fed into this autoresponder and that system takes over. It sends those emails out and provides the valuable information you have put in these emails. It should be remembered that quite a few people do not make a purchase until they have been exposed to these messages a number of times. The very minimum number of these should be seven emails.

Each email should help the visitor know a little more about what you are promoting and why he needs what you are promoting.

An autoresponder helps take care of some of the mechanics of email marketing so you can concentrate on the more important stuff!

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Tips On Getting Your Messages Out Online

One of the most important tasks for home business owners who want to expand their presence online is to:

a) build your list

b) get your message out to your list

Building your list is something everyone should be working on if you have an online or offline business. Building your list will be the 'be all' or 'end' of any business if you do not begin to build up a list of people who are interested in your products or services. Now, not everyone who comes into your list will want to buy into your primary program, but if pitched properly you may be able to upsell other items and affiliate programs that may help them in their primary business.

Autoresponders helps you to do get your message out to your list once you have drawn them into your website or blog. If you are perceived to give value to your readers, they will more than likely look forward to your emails on a regular basis. Don't underestimate the use of autoresponders to help grow your list and your income.

Some of the things you can do with autoresponders are:

- Broadcasts - You can send out broadcasts of your blog posts to help keep your readers interested. You can automate your blog feed into a regular broadcast and produce this on a daily or weekly or monthly basis, invite your readers to comment back to you either through email or through your blog. Broadcasts can also be used to send out adhoc emails and messages. These can be used to promote sales, services and products to your audience.

Create a Web Form - Auto responders can be used to create a capture form which in turn you can link to a list in the back end.

Create a list- Autoresponders are great for creating a lists, which you can then build a series of emails to send out to your lists. It is really important however to ensure that your message is congruent with the audience for which you are sending the messages out to. For instance you can create several different lists in the back end which correspond with different products or services. If you are promoting a training series or a 'diet' program, then creating a series of emails to use in that capacity can improve your professional online presence and show your expertise.

Create a Newsletter - Another great way to help you keep in touch with your list, let them know what you have been up to on a regular basis, again, providing value will only help to improve your ratings with your leads, especially if they pass on your newsletter, emails and braodcasts.

Add Attachments - Adding e-books, videos and audios to your emails are also a great way to share your content with your leads.

Hook your autoresponder up with social media - with AWeber you can link your Facebook and twitter account so that when you send out a broadcast or autoresponder you can say whether you wish to link this to your social media accounts.

There are quite a few autoresponders out there in the market place. Constant Contact, iContact, AWeber are some of the really good ones. However, AWeber has recently updated some if its features and are currently the market leader for autoresponders for many network marketers.

Be Creative with your autoresponders, as this is your lively hood and can generate a good income stream for you.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Understanding AWeber Stats

Understanding AWeber statistics (stats) is important. Too many of us look at our stats, don't understand them, then get bored and move on. Try not to do this if you can cause it is important to know how often your opt in form is displayed and to know how many people have actually signed up. AWeber very kindly gives us this facility. If you don't know this info it could really affect your business - if you do know it, you're at an advantage straight away. Understanding your stats will make your business so much more interesting as well - even exciting!

So log into your AWeber account now, Click on Web Forms (top right) and let's take a look:

Displays: This is the number of times your site has been displayed, in other words how many times your site has been visited - and your visitors have seen your opt in form (also known as a web form). Unfortunately this figure can be misleading so I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. The reason for this is because if the same visitor came back to your site 10 times it would be counted as 10 visitors. Or if you check your site regularly, especially in the early days, it counts those too. You can see how it would be difficult to get a true figure. So let's file this under the 'figures not relevant' pile for now.

Submissions: This is the number of times visitors have filled in your opt in form. But note, the stats you are looking at only apply to the opt in form you currently have on display. If you were to change your opt in form and insert a new one (which you can do at any time) then the count will begin again. This is perfectly OK, just remember to record the stats of the previous opt in form for your own records. So these figures are relevant and let's file them under 'important figures'.

S/D: This means Submissions divided by Displays - which calculates the percentage of people who have signed up. However, we will also file this one under 'figures not relevant' because we have already established that the Display figures are not relevant.

Unique Displays: This shows the number of times your opt in form has been displayed i.e. visitors to your site. But this time a visitor is only counted once, no matter how many times they may go back and view again - this applies to the visits you make too. That's why they're called unique. Clever isn't it - thank you AWeber for being so clever! So we're going to file this one under 'important figures'.

S/UD: This means Submissions divided by Unique Displays - which calculates the percentage of unique visitors who have signed up to your list. So what percentage would be considered good - 20% is a good place to be. That's 1 in every 5 unique visitors signing up. Very respectable! Let's also file this one under 'important figures'.

Just one other thing I want to make you aware of

The percentage rate of the S/UD can be very high at first when your site is new. This happens when you're checking your opt in form to make sure it's working. Let's say you clicked on it 5 times - AWeber will track this (just doing their job!) and count it as 1 - giving you an S/UD conversion rate of 500%. So try not to get too excited if you see this! Once you stop testing it will start showing more normal figures.

A quick recap

Submissions, Unique Displays and S/UD are important figures.

Displays and S/D are not relevant figures.

Take the time today to understand your stats - it will really benefit you and your business. I wish you a very high S/UD!

NOTE:The author gives their permission to reprint this article, free of charge - providing that the article remains unchanged, and that the author's resource box is included in the reprint.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder

Auto-responder - A programme that sends out emails to a specified list at a specified time.

Every business with an online presence should have an auto-responder. Whether you are an affiliate marketer or a soap seller, your auto-responder will make keeping in touch with your clients a lot easier and it gives you an air of professionalism. With this tool in your arsenal your clients will never again miss that fabulous offer or that vital knowledge that you can impart. This tool is by far one of the best things you can use to build up trust with your clients and, as you no doubt know, that trust can and most likely will turn into profit for you.

You can choose to use on of the many free auto-responders on the internet but these usually come with drawbacks, normally adverts in your emails. For some of you this may be okay but for most business people, someone else's advert in their email correspondence is not going to happen. It is better to pay for your auto-responder and ensure you have full control of the contents of your email messages.

Once you have signed up to an auto-responder programme, check my website for an easy link to one of the best on the web today, you will need to set up your list. Make the name of your list relevant to your business so that the people who sign up to it will know it is from you. Your auto-responder will send out an email to everyone that fills in your join up form, more on that in a minute, which ensures that the person wants to receive your emails. This is important because it means you are not sending out spam. Sending out spam will kill your credibility and possibly your business to. When they click on the link in the first email they are giving you permission to send them more emails thereby protecting your reputation.

You will need to write a number of subsequent messages. No, don't frown and groan. This is where you start to build the trust I spoke of earlier. Your subsequent messages should have information related to your business that will entertain or inform your potential customers. You want to show them that you are the one to purchase from and using an auto-responder is the best way to do this. Remember, you do not have to write a new message for every person that signs up to your list.

You only have to write each one once and they get sent out in the sequence that you dictate and at the frequency you dictate. So if you send out an email to your list every week then you only need 52 messages to cover you for a year. But you don't have to write out 52 messages right away. To begin with you could write, say, half a dozen messages. That gives you six weeks to come up with another half a dozen, and so on. That way you keep your messages focused on what your potential customers need and it keeps your name on their minds and your products in front of them. Whenever someone joins your list they start getting the emails from the start of the messages without you having to rewrite them.

So you've set up your first dozen messages but you are going to run a promotion for a specific period that you want to tell your potential customers about. It's going to look odd to anyone that signs up to your list when they get an email for a promotion that is finished.

With a good auto-responder that is not going to happen. You never need to change the messages that you have written. Once you've done them, that's it, they're done. For those exclusive promotions or special offers a good auto-responder will have a 'broadcast' facility. This allows you to send out an individual message to your whole list that is apart from your scheduled messages.

Using this facility properly can increase your earnings as you can build up interest in the offer by sending out a couple of broadcasts before the event and have one ready to send that might include a bit extra to make them feel as though they are special. This method of making your customers feel 'exclusive' is tried and trusted.

A good auto-responder will also have a facility for you to build your own sign up form which you can then paste onto your website. With a paid auto-responder you will be able to create a sign up form that will fit into the style of your website or you can have the auto-responder company host the form for you with a link on your site to click through to the form. A simple line of text with the link embedded in one or more words would do it. Do make sure that the link opens in a new window so that they still remain on your site after they have signed up to your list.

Once you start using an auto-responder in your business you will see the benefits of having a list of people who want to receive your emails, and if you use it properly, will want to purchase what you are selling.

To find more articles and How To... reports visit my website below. Thanks for reading.

Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

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